About Me
ASP.NET Developer, Writer, Chess Enthusiast
I am an experienced developer using Microsoft and open source technologies, including:
Languages : C#, javascript, CSS, HTML, Razor, WPF, XAML, VB
Frameworks: .NET, .Net Core, Classic ASP, Angular, MVC, Razor, WPF, WEB API, JQuery
Databases: SQL Server (with Entity Framework ORM), LINQ, MySQL, Oracle, MS Access
File Formats: JSON, XML, CSV, Fixed-width
Tools: Visual Studio, VS Code, Git, NPM, nuget, Bootstrap, installutil.exe, SASS
Other: Node.js, Electron, handlebars, WinScp .NET client, spreadsheetgear, Selenium web automation, UI.Vision Kantu browser scripting, Log4Net, .NET Reflection, Async-Await
I’ve also written a short novel called “The Soul Gene, which is about a pair of young geneticists searching for a proof of reincarnation. (The Dalai Lama’s in it!)
Finally, if you don’t mind being beaten, you can challenge me at https://www.chess.com/members/APope56